Wednesday, March 4, 2009

It's Been a Long Time Coming

Well it certainly has been awhile since I posted last. A lot has been going on since then. Lots of work, getting hospitalized, but the main thing is that I have been going through a very bad drawing rut. Fortunately I think I'm finally coming out of it. I think what really helped me was getting back to basics. I started drawing figures from the masters: George Bridgeman, Andrew Loomis, and Robert Barrett. I also bought a new sketchbook dedicated solely to figure studies. Hopefully when I get some pages I really like I'll post them. I really should especially since this blog is called the "sketchbook" of the level 20 artist.

One of the things I have done as of late was this portrait of me in my fedora. I thought it turned out pretty well so I decided to use it for my new icon.

Now for whats to come. I haven't posted in awhile so I have a lot of things that will eventually get done and posted. Some things are, as previously mentioned in older posts, my zombie comic. I have a large 2 page spread that's in the works. I'm really pleased with it so far, hopefully it turns out well.

I also finished an illustration for a local magazine I will post the sketch for that soon.

I've also been asked to do a cover for a prototype magazine. The main article for the magazine is about graphic novels that have been turned into movies, so that illustration will be epic. Lots of super heroes fighting each other, also think I'll have the Joker in it with a rocket launcher....... fun times.

There are some other projects going on. Such as a new "shark vs squid" illustration and some character designs from my mythology. Those however have taken a little bit of a backseat for some of the other projects, so they will take a little longer to get posted.

Lots to do, so expect more updates more often in the next few weeks. However, that is all for now, I'll make sure to post again very soon.

1 comment: said...

woooo! congrats on exiting your drawing rut! by the way...have you taken a look at the title of this blog? did you do that for me? ;)