illustration by
J. S. CHOIThe spectrum results are in and sadly I did not make it in this year. A bit depressing but just motivation for next year.
However awesomely my best buddy J. S. Choi was selected. It is so awesome that she did, I am extremely proud of her. I decided to attach one of her images so you guys can see how great her work is. This is her depiction of Sleeping Beauty.
I also encourage everyone to go check out her blog and her deviantART and see all the awesomeness yourself.
Well now I must get back to the grind stone for even better submissions for next year.
As I had said in a previous post things have been quite busy for me as of late. Getting new gigs and such. One of these gigs being for Catalyst Game Labs' RPG Shadowrun. It has been really awesome to work with them, I thoroughly enjoy Shadowrun.
Unfortunately I am not able to show anything nor give any details about what I am working on. Which does mean it will be awhile before I can update with new work. However be sure that as soon as the books come out in print I will let everyone know so you can see what I have done for Shadowrun.
I know I have not been able to show much of my work as of late but bear with me and soon I will be flooding you with all new work.
EDIT: After posting this Brent Evans the AD for Shadowrun had commented and I just wanted to share what he said. For it was quite awesome and really made my day.
"And just to keep all the suspense percolating I'll just jump in to add his work has been excellent and will be well worth the wait. :0)"
It is really great to hear something like that from your AD.
Today is the big opening for Gallery Provocateur's Frank Frazetta Tribute show. As some of you may already know I was fortunate enough to have my piece Warrior Atop the Snow Covered Peak selected for the exhibition.
Sadly though because of constraints I will not be able to make it to the opening. If anyone happens to be going please let me know how the show goes. And if you are going to be in Chicago for C2E2 you should take a break and stop by the gallery.
Also while there will be a large framed print of my piece for sale in the gallery I will also be selling extra signed prints through the gallery. More information on that can be found at the gallery itself.
I hope anyone who gets a chance to go has a wonderful time. I wish I could be there with you.
As of late things have been really busy. I've had lots of different illustration gigs going on. One of these gigs has been for Alderac Entertainment Group's card game Legend of the 5 Rings or L5R.
While I can not show any finishes nor give any specific information as the sets have not yet been released. I am allowed to show you some of the studies I have been working on. Thus I shall be periodically posting new studies in the upcoming weeks.
The image here is the first set of studies that I did for L5R.
Hope you enjoy and keep a look out for more.